Youth Retreat

More often than not, we are troubled not by the world, but by our own inability to let go of what troubles us. This is the whole ideaology behind this 'Mool Mantra' provided by Gurudev, that we need to stop bothering ourselves with things that are not under our sphere of control, in order to e able to lead a stree-free life.

Often, we disturb our peace of mind by constant overthinking about our circumstances. This Mool Mantra relieves us of that pressure to be in control of everything, by building a firm resolve that whatever happens, happens for the good.

Throughout our lives, we have a firm belief that this body is us, we are this body, and this is the core reason for most of the hardships we face in everyday life. One who realizes his true self realizes that the body is but a mere shell of our true self, so whatever happens to or from this body, does not affect the true self in any way.

Pranayam 10 minutes before, and Pranayam 10 minutes after, study, is the key to enhanced focus and retention of whatever we read. Such a cycle, 2 times much before and 1 time immediately before an exam, is sure to leave a lasting impact on how we perceive our focus levels.

Not only deep breathing, but each different technique of pranayama affects our body, mind and soul in different ways and with different intensities, but each has a common goal, of attaining eternal bliss.